• First Language: Turkish

  • Subjects:  Women’s Studies

  • Journal Section: Research Article

  • Authors: Ezgi SARITAŞ
    Ankara University, Political Science and Public Administration

  • Dates: 1 June 2012

In this article I want to analyze the Sexology: Sexual Knowledge Magazine published between the years 1949-1954. With this analysis, I want to look at the ways different discourses on sexuality are articulated and authorized under the title of ‘sexual conduct’. Although an analysis that is focused exclusively on the magazine is not enough to understand the gender regime of the period in question, the content of the magazine will be analyzed within the framework of the gender relations of that period. A question posed by Foucault for the sexual science of nineteenth century is relevant to the issues dealt with in this article: Which power relations can be observed in a discourse on sexuality that emerged during a certain period and how can we understand these relations and their transformation? Even though the article does not claim to provide an answer to this question, the magazine and gender relations during the time of its publication will be framed with these questions.

sexual conduct, sexual science, gender regime in 1950s

Ankara University, Political Science and Public Administration