In this study, “Hüküm Gecesi”, “Ankara” and “Hep O Şarkı” named novels of Karaosmanoğlu were analyzed referring to his other novels. Karaosmanoğlu is one of the enlightened people that shares republic idea, worked in his all novels except in “Ankara”, the critics of tradition and past with parallel to “impossible love” fiction. But, he only studied about “possible love” in his “Ankara” novel. Traditional and patriarchal concepts of Karaosmanoğlu also formed relations with political power, expressed by metaphor of “impossible love” coated with man pride and woman pudicity. Karaosmanoğlu idealized the sample of modern concept depended on science and logic in “Ankara” novel by the fiction of “possible love”. In 1956, the reasons of his turning back to fiction of “impossible love” in his last novel “Hüküm Gecesi” are considered according to political and social appearance in his period.