• First Language: Turkish

  • Subjects:  Women’s Studies

  • Journal Section: Research Article

  • Authors: Münevver Başman, Senanur Turgut, Kader Serezli

  • Dates: 30 May 2024

Toxic masculinity is socially regressive male characteristics that foster male dominance, devaluation of women, homophobia, and violence. It can be defined as the behavior patterns that society imposes on men and all of the harm that men inflict on themselves and their environment while trying to act in accordance with these behavior patterns. The aim of this research is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool that will measure toxic masculinity. The study group of the research consists of 407 men aged 18 and over. In the first stage of the study, Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed, data from 299 men was used, and in the second stage, criterion validity, data from 108 men was used. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, it was concluded that the measurement tool consisted of three sub-dimensions (Dominance, Power, Vulnerability) and 32 items and it was seen that the three-factor scale explained 48.93 % of the total variance. The internal consistency coefficients for the scale were examined and the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the total scale was found to be .95. After the scale was finalized, the Gender Roles Attitude Scale was used for validity study. When the data obtained were examined, it was observed that there was a high level, positive and significant relationship between the Toxic Masculinity Scale and the Gender Roles Attitude Scale. Findings indicate that the Toxic Masculinity Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool.

Gender manhood scale development toxic masculinity reliability

Münevver Başman, Senanur Turgut, Kader Serezli